Do You answer questionS?

Absolutely! I love getting questions from readers. Often a reader will give voice to a question that is on a lot of people’s minds. And questions can get the creative juices flowing and lead to a blog post that will interest many other people as well. You can send me questions at TK.

Do you speak to groups?

I love the energy that comes from speaking to groups, especially the Q&A sessions. I have spoken in high schools, colleges, graduate schools, business groups, libraries and book stores. Contact me at TK about speaking to your group.

Do you offer online courses?

Online courses are coming soon. They will good, they will be reasonably priced and they will be fun. You will learn lots of good stuff, I promise. Make sure to join our email list here to get early bird special news (and pricing) about upcoming courses. And please send me an email with ideas for topics you would like to see covered. Thanks!


How do I Write a bestseller?

Practice, practice, practice….

Do you have a book on writing?

Not yet, but one is in he works. In the meantime, enjoy the frequent blog posts on writing at

Do you still write freelance?

I retired from writing for media outlets and marketing campaigns a number of years ago so I could concentrate on my own creative writing, as well as giving me time to share what I had learned from a successful career as a writer with other people — people like you.